
Services Frameworks Architecture News About Us

The function of Information Technology (IT) has grown significantly over the last seven years, to the point where the office of the chief of information (CIO) can be struggling to ensure that IT remains aligned to business and facilitating the agility that business requires in today's demanding market place.

Our Experience Offers

By developing and employing reference models an organization can provide a common business language that can be agreed to across the whole of the enterprise, one that is directly aligned with the business objectives, stake-holders interests and to the client markets in which the business operates.

Today�s information service providers are faced with an irrefutable requirement to exchange information, sometimes across jurisdictions or with Communities of Interest (COI) for whom the information asset was not originally intended. New reporting changes brought about by regulatory bodies, privacy legislation and Sarbanes-Oxley combine to extend the requirement for sharing of information.New information exchange requirements have been brought on by recent threats to public safety and so the thinking about information security is also changing. [Information Security Reference Models] (PDF)

Macklin offers access to a cadre of experienced professionals, grounded in business operations and business transformation, able to provide knowledgeable mentoring, and coaching. This group is able to release the hidden value potential when transforming latent IT architectures and re-orienting it into a business services centered approach. Our resources can 'come-along-side' of existing personnel to assist clients with the business transformation effort.

Macklin IR outfits each team with a framework of support services that act as a bridge to facilitate the transition between current business planning and service-oriented business architectures. The team recognizes and leverages the real-value potential of incorporating various business assets, information reference models, business rules, transformation (methodology instruments) artifacts and application components using common information resource manager (PDF). We combine this reference system with various business analysis and transformation tools to handle analysis and synthesis modeling.